Sunday, July 26, 2015

Let the fire begin! - July 20, 2015

Ya' at eeh! (this is the correct spelling, Momika)

This week has been a crazy productive and amazing week.

First off, I just found out my companion got his visa to Brazil and will most likely get transferred within the next couple weeks or so. We will see. This will mean that I will have had four companions in one area if I stay. Kind of a rare occasion. Even more rare if he gets transferred after this one because that will mean the only person I have had longer than a single transfer is my trainer. Guess these elders can't put up with me more for longer than six weeks! :D

Miracle of the week that I wish to be particular highlight on is Latawnya and Richard. Truly they are the definition of being prepared by the hand of the Lord to receive the gospel. These two have been in Monticello for the past week or so. The reason they are here is because Richard did some time and got put in the Monticello jail. Being in jail was a humbling experience and found a great desire to grow a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. He's never been baptized into any church, but Latawnya ( his wife) was baptized at eight and because of this, they were both inclined to the LDS church.

When Richard got out just the other day, they were walking around town looking for a phone to make some calls to someone. They just happened to run into a family we have been working with, our golden less actives- the Hallidays, and they let Richard use their phone to make some calls. They ended up talking and found out that they both have had similar obstacles in life and ended up clicking together quite well. The thing that is so amazing about this is that we challenged the Halliday's to be more social and open with the people around them. Not sure why we felt inspired to do so, but we did.

The Halliday's offered a place to stay in one of their apartments until Latawnya and Richard could get back on their feet. One of the conditions with staying there is that they had to meet with their favorite missionaries, us! We met with them, had an amazing lesson, and Richard has agreed to be baptized! They truly have been humbled by the Lord and are prepared to receive the fullness of the Gospel. They both showed up to sacrament meeting on Sunday and with the little time that they had, Richard has already read the homework that we left him with the Book of Mormon.

There have been so many little things that cannot be contributed to a "mere coincidence". It is the Lord's hand guiding this work and it is incredible!

Something that is interesting about this mission is the fact that every investigator has to come four out of six Sundays before they are baptized, and the last two have to be in a row leading up to their baptism. This requirement has made it difficult for some people, but proves to be very beneficial with creating long term success and conversion. I hope and pray that Richard and Latawnya can continue to come and progress! Prayers are appreciated!

These two are only the beginning of the success that is starting to occur. This area is seriously starting to blow up as to those we are finding and the involvement of the wards and branches. A lot of the members are surprised to hear about how many people are actually receiving the word, and it is all attributed to having high expectations for the people and the area. It's amazing how far a little positive thinking can go.

Love you all!!

Pray for the cause and pray for the courage to take part in it.

Elder Sandberg

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