Monday, March 23, 2015

Quick One!

Not much to write today! MAinly because there is no time left!

Something fun- dug a five foot hole for an outhouse this week! That was fun!

Something spiritual- my very first investigator is getting baptized on Thursday with his daughter, by me! Wahoo! Normally it's good to have a member of the church or family do it, but for some reason they wanted this goofball (Elder Sandberg) to do it! I am absolutely honored and excited. Please keep them in your prayers that it goes through. 

That is all for now! Here are some fun pics.. :D

Sheep head, back bone, various other parts of the sheep!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Here Comes The Sun


It has been an amazing week here in Crownpoint. Despite how amazing it is, and how good I like everything to sound with these emails, there are still a lot of times where things are very difficult. For those of you who have served a mission, you will understand when I say that the mission is a roller coaster and will take you all over the place. For those of you who haven't and are just getting bits and pieces here and there, here is another piece of a day in the life of a missionary. Every single day holds a brand new mindset, emotion, and spirit. I'm sure most of you know somewhat how it goes with the actual work, but the most mysterious part of missionary work is what goes on inside our hearts, minds, and spirit. 

Coming out into a new area to serve, I meet and find new people everyday. As I sit and meet with them to get to know them, I receive an added perspective to this life and the children here upon the earth. I hear all the time about the trials and challenges that people face, and wonder to myself how in the world I personally would handle the situation. We come to love these people very very much and find great joy in their successes, and great sorrow when Sunday comes around and they don't show. It is a tear jerking journey when you put your entire heart into helping these people who need something you have and they just aren't getting it. You wake up, you pray for them, study for them, eat food so you can use your body to help them, plan out the day for them, drive to them, sleep for them, give all you absolutely can to help these people see an everlasting truth. Sometimes our efforts pay off, other times it doesn't seem so, and amidst it all, we are giving every thought, feeling, and desire for them. 

THis work is the most demanding on the planet, because it is the most important on the earth. So why wouldn't it demand so much of us? Why wouldn't we give our absolute all and be completely drained for such a cause that will solve every problem in the world. How can I make such a claim about EVERY problem in the world being solved and not have people come running for it? Of course I know, there are reasons, but logically, it is the absolute smartest thing to do.

Don't have very much time, but I know this work is true, and is the absolute greatest thing I could possibly be doing. I hope it is helping some of you, because mission is not the end of my service. Nor will by existence on this earth be.

Love you all!

Elder Sandberg

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3rd Week of Transfer 3

Hello all,

It has been a roller coaster of emotions this week and I am absolutely drained. Any of you ever hear or know about the feeling? Yupp, this week it has hit harder than ever before. It's in moments such as these that we are refined and strengthened if we allow it too. It is our choice to allow it to break and destroy us, or to make something beautiful. 

Out here in the Crownpoint New Mexico Branch we have had a lot of success this past week. The successes have not been measurable by the numbers that we are expected to give each week- baptisms, confirmations, total lessons, member lessons, etc. etc. The success that I have felt this week has come purely from service and time given to those who are in need. Tuesday, we went to go see a man by the name of Brother Martinez. Brother Martinez has become a good friend who has been less active and is doing an amazing job at giving himself to the Lord and coming back to the fold. When we stopped by he was standing on his porch talking to us and letting us know that no one else was home. With the heightened perspective that he was given, he was able to see his sheep pen about a hundred yards away. He suddenly ran down the stairs and started running toward the sheep. We naturally started to run behind him and see what was wrong. When we got close enough to really see what was going on, we saw two of his sheep lying dead on the ground. After getting closer to seeing the full pen for the sheep, we could see four dogs tearing at the last sheep. This poor sheep was hanging on by a thread and these dogs were relentlessly tearing at this defenseless animal. 

I'll save the details and not horrify each of you with the details of the scene, but it is sufficient to say it was a difficult thing to see. After chasing the dogs away and making a few phone calls, Winston looked at us and asked us if we would help him clean the animals up. It was an anticipated request, because butchering sheep by yourself can be a difficult task, let alone three of them, so we decided to help. It was a very neat experience learning what needed to be done to take a live animal out in the yard to food on a plate. I can now say I know how to butcher a sheep and a rabbit. We ended up spending the rest of the day helping Brother Martinez with all of this and it was a very rewarding experience.

The next big thing this week was a baptism that the other Elders had in our area. Her name is Sister Lee, and she has been very diligent in her efforts to learn of the Lord. Baptisms are a big event and opportunity for those we are teaching and helping to be baptized. After helping them set up and get everything ready for the baptism, we ended up having one of the greatest turn outs for the baptism. THe room we were in was almost full and if any more would have come, we would have had to find a bigger room! It was a wonderful feeling to see so many of the people we were teaching there and the spirit that attended us was a very special and unique one.

Friday was another service packed day! It started off with hearing about a member who was in the hospital and was undergoing surgery. We immediately sped over to the hospital to go and see if there was anything we could do for them, and then found out they were at a hospital in Gallup, almost an hour away. While we were there though, we found some other members whose baby was in the hospital suffering RSV ( not sure if that is the proper name). We stopped and visited with them for a little while, gave a blessing to the baby, and then asked if there was anything we could do for this sister who was here with her baby. She said that her kids hadn't had any hot bread for a while, and her husband had only been making hamburger helper for them. After hearing about this I volunteered making some tortillas for them. So when we were done talking with her, we found another person there we knew who had their daughter suffering from the same thing. Did our thing and helped out with them as well, gave a blessing, and then left after asking if there was anything we could do. On our way out the door to go make some tortillas, we were stopped by Dorothy, who has been like a mother to me out here, and asked if we could grab her some bottled waters. So we zoomed back to the house, threw together some tortillas, grabbed some waters, then dropped them off and went to our next appointment. 

Our entire week has consisted of small occurrences such as this, and all though we haven't really gotten the greatest of "numbers" we are doing exactly as the Lord would have us do- to feed his sheep. (also to feed the people sheep) 

 With all this and more going on out here in the field, there is always more that is heaped up on the load. After hearing some devastating news back home, I have finally broken down and let it all out. I've been holding in for quite some time everything that has happened with my sweet sweet grandmother and my dear uncle Brad. For some reason, this news was the breaking point and I have not cried like this for quite some time. This mission already has been the means of doing so much good and bringing so much change into my life. It is times like this where I recgonize and see that the Lord has a greater plan and purpose for each and everyone of us. You could very well look at this situation and allow it to break you, but given the testimony and witness that I have received through already much trial and tribulation, everything now is but another opportunity to trust in Him and lose myself. 

I know without a doubt that my Savior Jesus Christ lives. He gave his life so that I might be able to live again after this life, as well as feel alive again after much spiritual anguish. His sacrifice is one that does not only benefit us when we die. It is a never ending process while on this earth that we are able to learn, grow, and develop. If this were not so, I would not be here. I would not be the person I am today. Each of you who know the boy I once was, and see me for who I am today, can know for yourselves that it is only through His grace and mercy towards me that has brought me this far. My strength alone would have took me even further down the path of destruction. If you do not have a testimony of this gospel, of this church, the priesthood, and of our Savior Jesus Christ, I ask you to look at me and see what He has done. It is only through such a powerful being that I could have come this far. The Atonement is real, and it will forever be available to those who have faith, repent, are baptized, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end. This is my testimony and witness of this work.

Elder Sandberg