Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Power Of The Atonement

Brothers and Sisters, 

And everything in between,

This week has continued to be an uplifting and inspiring week. Now more than ever in my life am I able to see and understand the power of the Atonement. The changes that have taken place in my life and those around me can only be attributed to a higher power. For those of you who are going to see me on the other side of this mission, and knew me before, the thing that you will be able to notice is when you look in my eyes, there is a burning fire of testimony and commitment to the Gospel. 

These things that I speak of can be applied no matter where it is your living. I hope that we all might be able to come away with a better understanding of our role and responsibility while upon this earth. The goal I am aiming for today is that of missionary work regardless of where you live. 

While being out here in the mission field, there are lot's of high's and low's. Everyday is a new challenge and new thing to be learned. What I have been able to experience is something along the lines of seeing myself in a brighter light. Even to the point of elevating myself and thinking that I am the Bee's Knee's. There have been moments where my teaching and ability to testify by the Spirit are just at an all time high, and with my handicapped perspective, I think that it is as high as I am able to go. I wonder to myself and think, "well, with everything going so well, what can I possibly improve on?", and with such a thought comes the pride with thinking I am okay with where I am at and the rate at which I am moving. The principle that I wish to highlight here is that of complacency. Thinking that where we are currently at the absolute highest degree of potential within every aspect of our lives. Whether it be with Christ like attributes, testimony of certain principles, understanding of the world around us, and everything inbetween. 

The moment that we start to believe that we are no longer in need of change and have an attitude of doing so, is the moment that we are deceived by the adversary. 

The cure can be found in Ether 12:27. Going to him, finding those weaknesses, and then trusting in Him to make them strong. It is found in Mosiah 4:11, recognizing the greatness of God and our own NOTHINGNESS.  It is found in Alma 5:26 where we are asked if we can feel his redeeming love in our lives at this very moment. 

The reason that we are not able to feel the power of the Atonement in our lives, is because our hearts are not prepared to do so. Complacency is just one of the branches of the root thereof, and is one of the snares that I hope we can more fully be aware of. 

So I ask you, how can you apply this to the work that needs to be done in your surrounding area? In your schools, at work, at sports, walking down the street, wherever it is you are. We we are baptized we are making a promise to stand as witnesses of God at ALL times. Mosiah 18:9

I'm out of time, but I hope each of you can see this for what it truly is and act upon the promptings that you receive.

Love always,

Elder Sandberg