Monday, December 15, 2014

Week 2!

It has been an adventurous week here in the Farmington New Mexico Mission. For those of you who wish to know the area a little bit better where I'm at- I am in Crownpoint New Mexico, and I live in the trailer behind the church on church road. The people here are of the Navajo Tribe, and most of them are of a Traditional belief when it comes to religion. For those of you who don't know what those beliefs or rituals consist of, look it up :) Everywhere I go there are what's called "Res Dogs", short for reservation. Just about every house out here has anywhere from 1-7 dogs. Not exaggerating. They all like to bark up a storm and look like they're tough, but for some reason if you just reach down like you're grabbing a rock or something, they run the other way. It's actually quite hilarious! The kids down here are all adorable and are a blast. Elder Martin and I have had a good time playing basketball with some of the kids down here, and has led to us teaching some families because they remember playing ball with us! The people are very very humble and I clearly have a lot to learn from them.

Miracle for the week was with a family of 4 children. They live in the housing for NTU. Two boys and two girls. The parents have been on date to be baptized for quite some time now. When we go and visit, the two little girls are normally jumping all over my companion and I while the tv is up pretty loud to keep them distracted. (doesn't really keep them distracted) The miracle was was Elder Martin and I were going to give a lesson about the Restoration of the Gospel and the importance of the Priesthood in all of that coming about. It's kind of hard to really have an impactful lesson when all of these things are going on. So Elder Martin prayed before hand that the tv would be turned off and that the kids would be reverent. Within 10 minutes of us being in there, the mom told the kids to go to bed and asked her husband to turn the tv off. It doesn't sound that big, but it was detrimental to giving this lesson we had prepared. The Spirit is a very quiet voice that can only be heard when you pay close attention. In life we tend to get caught up with all the things of the world and it can be hard to hear those subtle promptings that we are to receive. Having the tv turned off and the kids go to bed, was absolutely needed for the Spirit to testify of our message. 

Miracles happen everyday and it is a wondrous opportunity to be an instrument in the Lord's hands. Things that might not seem so big to me, are making the world of a difference to those around me. Each day I can see more and more that the Lord is preparing individuals, and already has, to receive his truth from us knuckleheaded missionaries.

The absolute greatest part about the mission is being able to be with people. This is the absolute greatest work that any man could commence on because it's being led by God. The Lord's Kingdom is being established on the earth at a very fast rate, and more each day His children are starting to see the difference between what the world would have us do and what he would have us do. This work is more than just trying to get someone to come to church. This is so much more than us trying to baptize people, or read books, or simply meet with us. This is HIs way established on the earth for us to find the absolute greatest amount of happiness and peace. It's not just the right thing to do, but it is the most intelligent thing to do. If there is a God and if he does have a truth that he has established, what greater reason do we have in life than to find what he would have us do? There is no greater reason. Because when all is said and done, wither we acknowledge Him or not, He is there.  He is continually reaching out to each of us to help and guide us along the path. Take His hand and He will take care of you....

Love you all so much!!!

Elder Sandberg


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