Lot's has been happening.. Lot's of little things that I really need to get better at writing down and remembering..
On Sunday we had some guy come up in the middle of sacrament meeting and was bowing himself down in front of the pulpit. Not sure what he was doing, but it was interesting!
Had a great birthday! Turned 21 and I'm just ready to take on the world!
We have a baptism this Saturday for these 3 kids we've been working with for a while..
Couple people have fallen off the map, but we will find them!
Gone on LOTS of exchanges to different areas. I've barely been in my own area for the past 2 weeks. Had a drunk guy wish that he had an AK so he could line up all the people who wronged them, and just yeah...
Went to a Hopi dance on Saturday! Can't take pictures, but if you look up Hopi Cachinas (not sure if that is how it's spelled) something should come up! It was great.. There are some Cachinas that will come up and hump you, others will cut your hair, whip you, and others give you gifts! You just have to know who to look out for :D
Got lot's of people in the works for baptism, but rarely if ever do we have things go smoothly when it comes to making the biggest and greatest decision of your life.
Spiritual message would have to be from a talk about a Catholic Priest who became a Mormon. Towards the end of his talk he said, "friendship is the greatest means to share the gospel". This phrase when I read it, brought a great power and feeling into my heart.. I think I've lost a little of that fire to just talk to everybody. For whatever reasons I've done that, I have a renewed dedication to talk to everyone, regardless of how it turns out..
Figured I would say hello! I am okay and things are going great! Thank you all for the support and love you have given me..
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
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