First miracle was a referral that we contacted that came from church headquarters that actually had no name at all as to whom referred them.. We met with a woman on Monday and it's been hit and miss to actually get in with her, but upon finally meeting with her, we discovered some pretty spectacular things..
About three weeks ago, this sister was praying and just crying to the Lord for help with the situation she was in. Literally as soon as she said amen, a certain Elder Sandberg was on the other end asking if we could come over! We tried setting up an appointment and it just continued to fall through. So this sister just said a prayer and said, "Lord, if they are supposed to come, just please bring them to me." Later that day, we felt inspired to go by and visit with her! Miracle!
Next miracle was probably a younger couple we are working with. The father is a member who is recently returning, and the mother is an investigator who had a powerful experience receiving a blessing from us and our bishop while she was in the hospital about two and a half months ago.. Ever since we have gone over there, she has just been eating everything up.. I look up to her and love her very deeply because of her willingness to take the gospel into her life and just give everything else up. She is the definition of Golden.
She's normally a little bit more reserved, but we extended a challenge to be teaching us the next time we come by. Teachers tend to get a little bit more out of the teaching than the students, so that's why we invited her to do so! When she started, and used the scriptures and everything else, it was just super powerful.. It was amazing especially with the little amount of time that she has met with us. She has such a pure testimony and it was marvelous to see that manifestation through that lesson.
Another miracle, I could keep going for a while, was when Elder Ah Chee and I were going around knocking doors hoping to contact referrals.. We weren't having much luck and so we decided to head back to the truck to try a different area.. Right as we were about to get to the truck, a young man comes out of his house and just starts talking to us. HE approaches us and starts talking to see how we are doing.. It was funny because he just kept asking, "how are you doing?" We kept answering and eventually it got to a point that he just said for us to come inside his house. He's only 17 years old, and yet we later found out that when he saw us, he felt something inside of him telling him to talk to us. We found that out last night when we asked him why he decided to start talking to us! He has two little brothers and a sister with a mother who are all not yet members.. I hope and pray that their hearts will continue to be prepared and softened to receive the gospel. We are meeting with them again tonight! Pray it goes well!
Last thing because this is getting longer than I thought it would. There are TONS more miracles but the last story is kinda funny for me, probably scary for my mom :D
My comp and I were on some business for our bishop and were going to contact some of the members in the ward. We rolled up to one of the members and as we got out, I was taking the lead to talk to this member. I could see as I was walking up that there were two individuals, whom I did not know, talking on the front porch. When I got close enough to talk to them and not have it be weird, I could hear one of the individuals who was clearly not of this residence, cussing out the one who I was sure did. He was a shorter man with a hipster hair cut, baggy shirt, all black, and clearly doped up on something.. He wasn't yelling but I could hear him repetitively using the choice F word.
After taking this all in and standing there, he turns around and points at me and says, "&%*4 you!" I almost laughed, but didn't.. He continued to harrass who ever this guy was, and it was apparent that he didn't want anything to do with this guy.. It sounded like it was about a girl or something, I don't know! After standing there for a while I just interupted and said,"Hey! We are here to see Brother ........"
The plastered guy turns around and starts walking towards me. He lifts up his fist as if he were about to do something, and I just gave him a look that apparently had the effect to make him back down and turn around! After turning around, he continued to say some great elaborate words of intellect, and walked off.
It was a great experience because through out it all, I felt as cool as a cucumber! Honestly, I didn't feel like the dude was a threat whatsoever. If things really came down to it, my comp, who is a 230 lb Samoan who knows nothing but brawling, could have very well ended badly for that man.. Luckily, it didn't!
The work is real, the Spirit is present, and NOTHING will prevent this work from going forward.. No, not even a drunk man.
Love you all! Have a great week!
Elder Sandberg
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