Went over to visit Dominic this past week, he was the one who got stepped on by a bull, and it is completely shocking to see his face. He looks like practically nothing happened. The doctors said that less severe cases that are like this, normally take at least three months of being in the hospital. He was out within five days. I want to thank all of you who prayed that he would heal and be alright. It is truly amazing to see how good he looks considering his face got broken. The power of prayer is real!
Another thing that is real, and that just happens to be the theme for this email, is the power of the priesthood. What an amazing and powerful thing. Hands down, the most powerful experiences I have had thus far on the mission, have been when administering through the priesthood. There is nothing in the entire world like placing my hands upon someone's head, and then having the Lord take control of what is coming out of my mouth, to give individuals promised blessings.
When we went to the hospital to give Dominick a blessing, I felt strongly inclined to give it. Something about this kid, even when I saw him right before he got on the bull, was drawing me to him. When my companions and I laid our hands on his head, the words came that he would be healed. Even more powerful than the words, was the impression I received towards the close of the blessing. It was the impression that the Dr's were going to be extremely surprised and just baffled at how fast he was recovering and healing.
The power of God is real. It has been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. It has, is and will continue to bless countless lives. By their fruits ye shall know them. The biggest thing keeping me doing this work for this specific church, is the fact that I know that the priesthood is here. It is the only thing that sets a church of man apart from the church of God. The ordinances through the priesthood are real. You can and will be cleansed from sin as you are baptized. You will receive the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. The endowment will bless you with greater power from on high than anything else. It is the sealing ordinance that promises that you will live forever with your family and spouse for all time and eternity.
Each of these ordinances are only truly ordained of God, when they are done after the manner of His holy priesthood. These things produce the one thing that everyone wants in life- happiness. True happiness is only achieved on gospel principles and gospel principles are only maintained by virtue of the priesthood of God.
I know this work is of God. It just has to be. It makes so much sense and I am so incredibly grateful for that.
Thank you all for the love and support.
Until we meet again,
Elder Sandberg
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