Any of you had the experience where you had something for the longest time that made you feel alive, then it went away for a little while, then came back? That's probably the best way I can describe what's happened this week.
To clarify for those of you who don't know, the tragic event I was referring to that happend a year ago, was the loss of my grandmother. She passed away unexpectedly, the day I reported to the MTC. This last week was a lot easier than would have been expected.. The reality of it hit me far before the date ever happened because I tend to think forward quite a bit.
The great part about last week was what I described in my opening comments. I feel as though I have just awakened. With all the many factors that have contributed to me being in a "slump", I have had many different factors that have contributed to me getting out of a slump!
Saturday morning, was praying for studies, and in the studies I prayed intently that I would know where to go. It was much more heartfelt than normal, and as I continued to pray, the phone started to ring before I could finish. I excused myself from my prayer, and it was the long lost ward mission leader asking us to go out with him to go meet some new people. We have never gone out with him, and it truly was a miracle.. That day led to lot's of new connections and opportunities for work.
This was just one small thing among many that have left me absolutely overflowed with happiness, drive, ambition, and love.. I'm so ready to go out and get the work done. Miracles are happening and I am so excited!
We received a letter from our mission president today, and I wish to share an excerpt from it with each of you:
This specific quote and the principles highlighted in it, go out to a couple people and groups right now.
First- my mother. I wouldn't be on this earth and where I am at right now if I did not have her as a driving force for me to improve and become better.
Second- the rest of my family- Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and Nieces and Nephews.. (Just kidding mom :D) My family is extremely close and we have all been through so much together. Despite any challenges that have come our way, we have somehow managed to overcome them. It is my family that has seen the absolute worst of me, and yet, they are my biggest support.
Third- my absolute bestfriend and her family. The moral support and encouragement cannot be measured with the impact they have made.
Fourth- the leaders and youth of the Trenton Branch, in Canada. If it were not for their shining testimony and example, I would not be where I am at right now.
Fifth- my home ward. If it were not for the financial sacrifices and support that they have made to allow me to be out here, I would still be home.
Sixth- the students, and administrators of Mountain High School. This school helped me to turn everything around so I could go on to get graduated and be prepared to go into the world.
Seventh- the Return Missionaries from summer sales. Living with these guys and the care they put into helping me prepare for a mission, gave me a HUGE leg up with coming out here.
Eighth- my friends. Having friends with common goals and aspirations makes it easy to accomplish them.
Ninth- The people of Crownpoint, New Mexico. These people set the tone for my mission and melted me heart with very little ease. Forever a cowboy because of here.
Tenth- The people of Monticello (Monticello, La Sal, and Paradox). My heart will forever be left here in this area. If any of them think they have gotten rid of me, they are wrong! 4 hours away!
Eleventh- The people of Tuba City. If it were not for the people here and the relationships I am building with them, it would make life very difficult as a missionary!
It is easy to see that I have way too many people to be grateful for. The only single source that I could attribute my life and what makes it what it is, is my Heavenly Father. I am grateful to Him for all of you. The purpose of us coming here is to go back to the presence of our Father. We need to change in order to be in His presence. One of the ways He helps us to change, is by putting the people in our lives that we specifically need.
Each of you broadly, collectively and specifically have contributed to the person that I am today. If I were given absolutely nothing after this life, save it be one thing, it would be my connection with each of you. I'm grateful to know that that is exactly what I will be given.
So, with the quote that was given by my amazing mission president, President Adams, I wish to close with this- my true gratitude at this time, and forevermore, will be expressed in the way that I carry myself. Expressed in the way I treat others, in the way I endure challenges, in the way I view life and what's happening, and more importantly, in the way that I strive to give myself to our Father in Heaven. It is all a continuous cycle and I thank each of you for being a part of it.
Love always and forever,
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
ps If any of you know someone whom this might not reach, that is mentioned here, I would greatly appreciate you forwarding it to them.
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