Hello all! Welcome to the archives of Brayden's mission newsletters! He was called to serve in the Farmington, New Mexico mission. He reported to the Provo MTC on November 19th, 2014 and left to Farmington on December 1st.
Monday, December 7, 2015
Christmas time is here!
It has super powerful messages that give credit to this time of the year and I highly recommend all of you check it out. No matter where you are at as to your beliefs, I think it is easy to agree that all of us are going to be celebrating Christmas.
Just want to briefly share that I know of the power of the little things. Both good and evil, it is the little things that make a huge difference. To a young Elder Sandberg in the beginning of his high school career, it was not that big of a deal to ditch school here and there. It was a very simple thing that started out with one day at a time, and then turned into missing school for months on end. Started with one period, then two, then three, then eventually, like I said, I was not in school for the longest time.
It was the little justifications or rationalizations that led to the destruction of my life. It was the little things that eventually led to me hurting and damaging the relationships with those I love the most. It is all about the little things. I don't know of a single individual who just wakes up one day and decides to be some crazy maniac out on the streets doing absurd things. I know that because you cannot honestly say that you can look at a baby and think that they are going to grow up and do bad things. Those babies don't turn into monsters overnight. It is a process of here a little and there a little.
On the flip side, no one ever wakes up one day and decides to go on a mission. There is not a single person who is able to make 100% of a decision all in one single moment. Every thing we are and do is a collection of everything we have seen, heard, felt, experienced, lost, gained and been through.
I am here right now on a mission because of the little things that I have done to get out here. They are the same little things that we invite people to do on a regular basis. It is the simple act of praying, reading, and going to church. The enemy of all that is good, has limitless and innumerable ways to pull us down a path of destruction.. It is very complex and confusing.
On the other side, our Heavenly Father has presented one of the easiest way for us to more fully cling to that which would enable us to return to His presence. It is the process of study and communication. Prayer and scripture study are one of the easiest ways to feel His presence in an ever increasing dark world. I have seen day in and day out that these two things are what sustain me along this journey. It is these two things that have brought me from the delinquent, troubled child I was, to the missionary and representative of Jesus Christ that I now am.
It is all possible because of Jesus Christ. That is why there is such a sweet spirit in the air this time of the year. It is that feeling that is from God, that is telling you this is an important time. It's an important time because this is when He sent His Son off to do the most difficult and liberating things that this earth's existence has ever seen.
I invite each of you to learn why more fully we celebrate Christmas. Don't just settle for the basic answers that I could get from any 5 year old. Dig for an answer in the places that will yield the most correct answer. Try it and you will see for yourself.
I love all of you!
If any of you want a Christmas Card, please email me your mailing address ASAP
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
Monday, November 30, 2015
Warning: You Know Who You Are!
Prepare yourself now and know I am coming. I am coming for all of you. I am coming back a new individual, with a vigor and determination to continue on the path way I am on. Yes, I will still be the goofy, obnoxious, and fun person, but there is much more to it all now. The time is ticking away, the countdown has begun, and I will be home soon.
I will be free to leave my area and to spend as much time as I want with each of you. I will call you in the middle of the night and show up on your door randomly. I will be the little annoyance that you either love or hate. Either way, I am coming back as a witness of the truthfulness of the message that we missionaries share. Once again, you might not know when it will happen, but the time will come where I will ask you about your relationship with God. In the most loving and caring way possible that I know, I will listen and see how I might be able to help.
I do this, not out of being preachy, self righteous, or whatever you want to call it. But I do it because when you have something good in life, you share it with others in the hope that they to will take the steps necessary to discover what you have found. You see it everyday when you get on facebook, pinterest, twitter, and whatever other social media sites there are. People are constantly sharing what it is they have. As great and amazing as I think it is to go on a cruise, to eat certain foods, to try different workouts, to watch the latest video of people "whipping and naying", to do whatever else there is in the world, the only thing that has any worth at all, is what is found in this church.
As I said in this email earlier, you can either accept or deny it! It's up to you! I will STILL love you regardless, but know that it is purely because I genuinely feel I have something that I know will change your life. I love you all so much!!!
More to come next week! Super awesome miracle. One of those rare golden moments you only hear about in the movies! Pray for them! Joe and Britani Baca
Love you all once again!!! Until then...
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
Monday, November 23, 2015
Happy Thanksgiving from Tuba City!
Any of you had the experience where you had something for the longest time that made you feel alive, then it went away for a little while, then came back? That's probably the best way I can describe what's happened this week.
To clarify for those of you who don't know, the tragic event I was referring to that happend a year ago, was the loss of my grandmother. She passed away unexpectedly, the day I reported to the MTC. This last week was a lot easier than would have been expected.. The reality of it hit me far before the date ever happened because I tend to think forward quite a bit.
The great part about last week was what I described in my opening comments. I feel as though I have just awakened. With all the many factors that have contributed to me being in a "slump", I have had many different factors that have contributed to me getting out of a slump!
Saturday morning, was praying for studies, and in the studies I prayed intently that I would know where to go. It was much more heartfelt than normal, and as I continued to pray, the phone started to ring before I could finish. I excused myself from my prayer, and it was the long lost ward mission leader asking us to go out with him to go meet some new people. We have never gone out with him, and it truly was a miracle.. That day led to lot's of new connections and opportunities for work.
This was just one small thing among many that have left me absolutely overflowed with happiness, drive, ambition, and love.. I'm so ready to go out and get the work done. Miracles are happening and I am so excited!
We received a letter from our mission president today, and I wish to share an excerpt from it with each of you:
This specific quote and the principles highlighted in it, go out to a couple people and groups right now.
First- my mother. I wouldn't be on this earth and where I am at right now if I did not have her as a driving force for me to improve and become better.
Second- the rest of my family- Brother, Sister, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, and Nieces and Nephews.. (Just kidding mom :D) My family is extremely close and we have all been through so much together. Despite any challenges that have come our way, we have somehow managed to overcome them. It is my family that has seen the absolute worst of me, and yet, they are my biggest support.
Third- my absolute bestfriend and her family. The moral support and encouragement cannot be measured with the impact they have made.
Fourth- the leaders and youth of the Trenton Branch, in Canada. If it were not for their shining testimony and example, I would not be where I am at right now.
Fifth- my home ward. If it were not for the financial sacrifices and support that they have made to allow me to be out here, I would still be home.
Sixth- the students, and administrators of Mountain High School. This school helped me to turn everything around so I could go on to get graduated and be prepared to go into the world.
Seventh- the Return Missionaries from summer sales. Living with these guys and the care they put into helping me prepare for a mission, gave me a HUGE leg up with coming out here.
Eighth- my friends. Having friends with common goals and aspirations makes it easy to accomplish them.
Ninth- The people of Crownpoint, New Mexico. These people set the tone for my mission and melted me heart with very little ease. Forever a cowboy because of here.
Tenth- The people of Monticello (Monticello, La Sal, and Paradox). My heart will forever be left here in this area. If any of them think they have gotten rid of me, they are wrong! 4 hours away!
Eleventh- The people of Tuba City. If it were not for the people here and the relationships I am building with them, it would make life very difficult as a missionary!
It is easy to see that I have way too many people to be grateful for. The only single source that I could attribute my life and what makes it what it is, is my Heavenly Father. I am grateful to Him for all of you. The purpose of us coming here is to go back to the presence of our Father. We need to change in order to be in His presence. One of the ways He helps us to change, is by putting the people in our lives that we specifically need.
Each of you broadly, collectively and specifically have contributed to the person that I am today. If I were given absolutely nothing after this life, save it be one thing, it would be my connection with each of you. I'm grateful to know that that is exactly what I will be given.
So, with the quote that was given by my amazing mission president, President Adams, I wish to close with this- my true gratitude at this time, and forevermore, will be expressed in the way that I carry myself. Expressed in the way I treat others, in the way I endure challenges, in the way I view life and what's happening, and more importantly, in the way that I strive to give myself to our Father in Heaven. It is all a continuous cycle and I thank each of you for being a part of it.
Love always and forever,
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
ps If any of you know someone whom this might not reach, that is mentioned here, I would greatly appreciate you forwarding it to them.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
One Year in the Mission Field!
So, this week marks my one year mark. To be honest, I'm not sure what to say about that exactly. In all reality, it was hitting me more last month than it is right now. Things have been especially tough though, because my companion and I have been cooped up in the house because of various sicknesses. It has been driving me absolutely INSANE! When you are locked up in a place like that for extended periods of time, your thoughts start to drift. These thoughts have been my downfall because I've been worrying about things that need not worried about, I've feared over things that are already taken care of, and I've ached for people that I already know I'm going to see again someday.
The great part about all of this is, I know I can rely on the Lord for help to get through this. The message of today is, "what holds your attention holds you". It comes from a book called, Putting on the Armor of God by Steven A Kramer. With any trial or event that we have in life, more often than not, it is our thought process that effects so greatly how we actually feel. We could be having the craziest of things going on in our life, but if we are focused and determined in a good cause, nothing will bring us down.
I am experiencing this right now as I type this. With this one year mark of being out in the field, it also marks a year for one of the greatest losses that I have experienced. I've not thought about this until I got on here and people have talked about it. They talk about what is correlated with this year mark, and it pulls my thoughts towards the devastating aspect of this time of year for me. It creates frustration and heartache as I dwell on it. As I allow my attention to be held on such a topic, the reality of the event sinks in and makes it more difficult.
I'm not focusing on that anymore. My focus and attention is on the people and the Lord. More and more each day the Lord is burning through my heart and what's in there. At times it feels as if there is nothing in there because He doesn't want anything there at that time. It is when I resist and focus on the things that I need not, that the Lord is unable to mold me into the individual He needs me to be. It is the law of consecration and I am trying my absolute best every single day to give that to Him. It's what I'm supposed to do. It's what I covenanted to do.
Thank you for all of your support, prayers, and love..
Elder Sandberg
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Miracle of the Week
Went over to visit Dominic this past week, he was the one who got stepped on by a bull, and it is completely shocking to see his face. He looks like practically nothing happened. The doctors said that less severe cases that are like this, normally take at least three months of being in the hospital. He was out within five days. I want to thank all of you who prayed that he would heal and be alright. It is truly amazing to see how good he looks considering his face got broken. The power of prayer is real!
Another thing that is real, and that just happens to be the theme for this email, is the power of the priesthood. What an amazing and powerful thing. Hands down, the most powerful experiences I have had thus far on the mission, have been when administering through the priesthood. There is nothing in the entire world like placing my hands upon someone's head, and then having the Lord take control of what is coming out of my mouth, to give individuals promised blessings.
When we went to the hospital to give Dominick a blessing, I felt strongly inclined to give it. Something about this kid, even when I saw him right before he got on the bull, was drawing me to him. When my companions and I laid our hands on his head, the words came that he would be healed. Even more powerful than the words, was the impression I received towards the close of the blessing. It was the impression that the Dr's were going to be extremely surprised and just baffled at how fast he was recovering and healing.
The power of God is real. It has been restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. It has, is and will continue to bless countless lives. By their fruits ye shall know them. The biggest thing keeping me doing this work for this specific church, is the fact that I know that the priesthood is here. It is the only thing that sets a church of man apart from the church of God. The ordinances through the priesthood are real. You can and will be cleansed from sin as you are baptized. You will receive the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. The endowment will bless you with greater power from on high than anything else. It is the sealing ordinance that promises that you will live forever with your family and spouse for all time and eternity.
Each of these ordinances are only truly ordained of God, when they are done after the manner of His holy priesthood. These things produce the one thing that everyone wants in life- happiness. True happiness is only achieved on gospel principles and gospel principles are only maintained by virtue of the priesthood of God.
I know this work is of God. It just has to be. It makes so much sense and I am so incredibly grateful for that.
Thank you all for the love and support.
Until we meet again,
Elder Sandberg
Monday, October 26, 2015
Week 36! (Probably)
Another day has come. It has been a poppin' and a bustling week here in Tuba City! Had a baptism of a woman who has been baptized before, but her records are completely missing and gone. So, we had to rebaptize her! It was a great experience and opportunity because the rest of her family do not belong to the church, and it just presented and opportunity for us to teach them all! Wahoo!
Not sure how many people know this, but I've set a goal to learn a new skill in each of my areas. In Crownpoint I learned to rope, to make tortillas, to butcher sheep and various other animals, and how to chop wood like a mad man! In Monticello I learned to make balloon animals, how to play pool like a pool shark, came up with a new inspired business idea, and worked on bettering my handwriting. Here in Tuba City I have learned how to do some of the weaves
Elder Sandberg's loom! |
with something known as,"paracording", AND Navajo Rug Weaving! Not sure if those words needed capitalizing, but hey, it could use the emphasis! I am so stinking excited to make this rug, it's ridiculous! Not one hundred percent sure who I will send this first creation to, but I have an idea!
Last week was honestly a tougher one. For whatever reason or source I can attribute it to, the bottom line is that I have come away with a much deeper vigor and determination for the work. The phrase or mentality that has been ringing in my ears is, "no regrets". I've worked way too hard to get out here, and the last thing I want to do is leave here with regrets. Nope, not going to happen. I'm leaving it all on the line and there are going to be some big and amazing things happening.
I challenge each of you to repent. Every single commitment we give to people we are teaching, is to help them repent. Repentance involves a change of attitude, behavior, and feelings toward God. If you need to say prayers every week as a family- do it. If you haven't been reading your scriptures as often as you should- do it. If you haven't been going to church- DO IT!
I know each of you can!
Elder Sandberg calls you to repentance! |
2 Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth.
3 But behold, I am a man, and do sin in my wish; for I ought to be content with the things which the Lord hath allotted unto me.
Love you all!
Elder Sandberg
Thursday, October 22, 2015
He broke his face!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Did that just happen?
Monday, October 5, 2015
Tuba City!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Tuba City, here I come!
Brothers, Sisters, and everything in between and above,
Elder Sandberg is leaving the great city of Monticello. My heart truly will have a great proportion of it made up of this place and the people here. I have once heard someone say, "I'm grateful to have so many people who make it so hard to say goodbye", these words are now my words. I cannot count on one hand the people whom I will miss when I leave here. Although there are a few that I hold closer to my heart, my capacity and ability to love has been magnified. There are so many people that I wish to say goodbye to, but there simply is not enough time.
Just want to share a couple things that I have learned since being here in this area. First, your attitude truly is EVERYTHING. With a poor attitude, even the greatest of places can be the worst thing in the world. When I first got here, I had a very bad attitude, and thankfully, the Lord has helped me. You can't always change your circumstances, but you can always change how you feel about them. We are not creatures of our circumstances, we are creators. The Lord has given us the opportunity to choose and that is what we must do.
Second, memorizing scriptures is one of the greatest and worst things in the world. I have gained an immense testimony of the Book of Mormon and it's power. There have been several instances where I have had to completly rely on that resource to answer questions and concerns that were thrown at me. And due to my diligence in getting to know what is in there, I was able to withstand the blows. The price to know the Book of Mormon has come at the expense of my mind being strained and stretched quite dramatically. I recently hit the 200 mark of scriptures memorized, and it is draining. So many different variations to say the same thing and all the, "behold', "nevertheless", "and it came to pass", and on and on, can make it very difficult to sort out which is which.
Third, and last of all, due to time, relationships are of the greatest value that we can attain in this life. Everything else will fade away when we leave this life, but the bonds and connections we establish and build here will continue beyond. The most important relationship, of course, is with our Savior Jesus Christ. All things are possible through him. It is because of him that we can continue to have our spouse, our family, our friends, and all else we come in contact with. The reason the relationships I have built on the mission will last so long, is because they are built in Him.
I am so grateful to have been here, and will add 30 plus other people from Monticello to this email next week.
I love you all. THank you so much for the support!
Elder Sandberg
New mailing address
PO Box 385
Tuba City, Arizona,
Yes, that is indeed going to be all four states that I have served in! WAhoo!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Elder Golden |
Monday, September 14, 2015
Transfers are coming up!
You are all about to receive a sneak peak into this weeks district meeting. It is upon a topic that I have been thinking about for quite some time. Never knew the category that I would put it under, but I have had some serious reflection as to the work and my overall success as a missionary.
From the doctrine of Elder Sandberg, the true measure of success as a missionary is found in that of relationships. The very first relationship that is absolutely crucial for a missionary to establish, is that of a relationship with their Savior, Heavenly Father, and the Holy Ghost. Without a relationship with them, everything we do is in vain. There would be absolutely no purpose to being out here if I did not have a relationship with such beings.
The next relationship is with my companion. The very first relationship I make when entering into an area is my companion. Without a deep and abiding relationship with my companion, the work is often strained and very difficult. Having someone around 24/7 and not having a good status can be the downfall of my mission. The next thing is the Ward/Auxiliaries we are working with. With out a solid support system or base to work from in our areas, a lot of our work flutters away. I am continually getting transferred and uprooted out of different areas. The one constant that people are going to have, aside from the Holy Ghost, is going to be the infrastructure of the church. Also, with out members trusting us and knowing us, it makes it very difficult to find referrals, as well as to ask them to help us fellowship those we work with.
The last relationship is one of my favorite because this is the area we think of most as missionaries. It is with those we work for and serve. Truly, the deepest relationships I have built out here, have been with those that I get to help come closer to Jesus Christ. It has been with those that I help to develop different relationships and connections with that I feel most close to. We are all of God's children. He loves each and everyone one of us. Just as earthly parents want to know what is going on in their kids' lives, so too does our Heavenly Father want to know what is going on ours. The greatest part of the mission is the people. You hear it all the time. It is the people because the happiness and joy that comes from strengthening relationships that will last all time and eternity is the absolute greatest thing we can do. What an honor and privilege it is to be so close to home. I will never forget about these people, nor will I ever allow myself to slip away into existence because I did not nourish the treasured connection that I have made while being here. Most of the people here know I will continue to harass them ( in a good way) to do what is right. To make changes in their life, and to build a relationship with Him whom will never falter.
My invitation to each of you is to ponder the relationships you have right now. Think about the priority they have with other relationships. Evaluate and see if things of little eternal worth are getting in the way of the things that will forever exist. Make the changes necessary and observe the happiness that comes from rightly applying the knowledge obtained. Wisdom is found in this.
Love you all!
Elder Sandberg
PS If some of you know someone who should be on my email list that I know, let me know. I need more contacts of individuals. Family, friends, teachers, ward members, etc.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
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The elders were delivering a saddle to a member and this is how they showed up at the door! |
First, got to meet with Pres Adams on Thursday for interviews and he shared some insights that I really needed to hear. THe work in this area is very peculiar and it helped to receive his confidence in what we are doing.
Went on exchanges with the Zone Leaders and had a pretty neat experience. We went to meet with a man named Enrique. He spoke only a little English, and I guess every time the Elders go over there, Elder Gonzalez is doing all of the talking because he knows Spanish. We talked a little bit in English, but then transitioned into a lesson and Elder Gonzalez and him started talking and I didn't have a clue what was going on! I was sitting there picking up words here and there but had no idea what was being said. I'd pick up a word here and there, but most of the words in Spanish that I do know, are not typically found in Gospel topics. :D Not sure what it was, but I was trying my hardest to stay engaged in the conversation and be of some help instead of being a bump on a log. Towards the end of the conversation, I felt prompted to share some things and I guess they were along the lines of what he needed to hear! Elder Gonzalez said they went along perfectly with the conversation. It was pretty cool.
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Showing off his balloon tying skills! |
Now, Elder Davis, oh sweet sweet Elder DAvis. Long story short, his ankle is all busted up. We were playing basketball for P day, and he came down on it wrong. It was bad. We calmed him down and gave him a blessing and for some odd reason the healing of his ankle was predicated on the faith of those around him, back home, and himself. So if you want to keep him in your prayers so he doesn't have to go home that would be great. We don't know 100% sure what is going on, the Dr. who looked at it said to give it a couple of days, so we will see. Elder DAvis being injured like this has taught me quite a few things. It's definitely humbled me because he can barely do much for himself. As much as I would just LOVE to tease him and give him a hard time, I'm not. It has been a very interesting experience and I guess we will see how long this reverence lasts! ;D
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Carrying Elder Davis! They must look pretty silly tracting this way. Let's hope he heals soon! |
THings are going swell! Absolutely LOVE the people here. They are all great. Transfers are in 2 weeks, so if you send anything in the mail, send it before then. At least until I can confirm or deny I am staying.
Shout out to Olivia Sandberg who is going to be the next DECA Champion! WHaddup!!! :D
Elder Sandberg
Monday, August 24, 2015
I'm a sucker for punishment!

Nonetheless, things are continuing to go GREAT. Since accepting the new calling, I have experienced so much growth. The Lord knows I love a challenge. Nothing worthwhile ever came easy in life.
Luke 6:22-23 22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
Elder Davis and I have had some fun experiences lately. With me being the individual that I am, and with this scripture in mind, I have some pretty twisted ways of getting the new Elders accustomed to the mission.
A couple transfers ago when Elder Anderson was here, he and I were looking for the location of our dinner appointment. We wrote down the wrong address and approached what we thought was the correct one. With a BOM in hand and with a stomach needing to be filled, we made our way to the house. Before even getting half way across the street, a woman comes out of the house we believe to be our dinner appointment, and very very upset she yells," no, no, no! Keep your religion to yourself!" Pointing at us and clearly very hostile toward the church, I simply reply, "I'm just looking for dinner!" Needless to say, she did not take kindly to us, and clearly didn't care my stomach was the reason for being at her house.
For some reason, this woman has stayed in my mind. Not sure what it is, but I feel a natural draw to her. Not sure if I'm a lunatic or what, but I would greatly appreciate if someone would slam a door in our face, curse at us, spit on us, something just to show that they were not okay with what we are doing. I THRIVE on those moments because it only builds my testimony and there is a promise when it does happen. Little do those people know they are just storing up blessings for us in heaven! So with thinking about this woman, I have taken Elder Deleray and DAvis to this location.
THe first time, with Elder Deleray, I received the response I was hoping. She expressed that she was Catholic and had no interest in what we had to say. Elder Deleray told her he used to be CAtholic and she immediately responded, "maybe you should go back!" Absolutely great, I know. Elder Deleray was a little upset with me because at first I told him it was a solid referral from someone in the ward and he was all pumped to get a good contact. Nope.. So, now to my point!
I took Elder Davis there on Friday and received not a response I was expecting. It was the same set up as it was for Elder Deleray, referral, they are super golden, etc. We walk up and there are two men sitting on the porch. The invite us to sit with them. Here I am waiting to receive the fire. Nothing. We sit and talk, ask if we want a water. We accept. Continue to talk and I am completely just baffled! The one who owns the house asks my companion what size shoe he wears. Then goes into the house and grabs these practically brand new brown leather dress shoes and tells my companion to put them on! He compliments my companion, and I forgot he's a little tipsy, and says to keep them! Obviously I was completely caught off guard. Was a little upset that first off, things are going so well, second, my companion just got what appeared to be a 200$ pair of shoes, and third, well, there really wasn't any real reason to be upset.. And then, she arrived. :D
Long story short, even though this is already long, she just let us have it! Told us, "to take our religion and shove it where the sun don't shine", yes! Then exclaimed she was "going to call the cops", keep it coming! And as we were leaving, she exclaimed one last time,"what part of go do you not understand?"
YESSSS! I love it so much! I definitely plan on going back. Not just to harass the woman, but because there has got to be a reason I feel so drawn to that. I don't know. Maybe you all think I am completely crazy, or maybe just confirmed it. What I do know though, is that what I am doing is ordained of God. I am doing HIs work and there is nothing that can stop Him, so why in the world would there be anything that can stop me?
I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom, but behold, my joy is fully, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. I know that I am nothing as to my strength, I am weak. Therefore I will not boast of myself, but I wll boast of my God, for in His strength I can do all things. Yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land for which we will praise His name forever!!
Ammon's words are my words! I love you all so much and hope you have the courage to stand up for what you know to be true. Make a stand and astound the people around you for the standard in which you up hold. Take nothing from the adversary and give him a punch in his face by making a stand!
Elder Sandberg
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
Do you know the two things that missionaries absolutely love while being in the field? Baptisms and MAIL!
The prayers are so greatly appreciated. Especially as of late. Things have been crazy and all over the place. A lot of growth and improvement is evident. That's to be expected though right?
I've been lifting quite a bit and I drink protein after every workout. The most I have weighed since being out here is 175. That is 30 lbs heavier than when I started!!! Holy cow!
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Monticello, Bluff, and White Mesa missionaries enjoying a view from the very top of the Blue Mountains today during P-day! |
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Here's the Scoop...
- Will Be staying in Monticello, UT (this week was transfers) so his address remains the same! Write to him, send him cookies, etc. at the following address: P.O. Box 2, Monticello, UT 84535 Or email him at : brayden.sandberg@myldsmail.net
- Has been made a District Leader. This will come with a lot of new responsibilities, as he will be in charge of reporting for and receiving reports from the Sisters and Elders in his district. Here is what he had to say about that: Yeah! I guess it will be a fun experience. We will see. I've been told that training is a sacred trust and I am doing my absolute best to step up to that role! I am now averaging one companion every transfer! It's ridiculous. Usually, a trainee stays with their trainer for 12 weeks, 2 transfers, but we will see!
- Could really use some letters and support! Being a missionary is hard work. It's been 9 months now since Elder Sandberg entered the MTC. Keep up the love, family and friends! You can always find his mailing address and email here on his blog. I will let you know any news I receive! But as he said on Monday: every P day is completely jam packed with all kinds of different things.
Monday, August 3, 2015
What a Wonderful World!
It's quite amusing how I can be sending an email to my mom last week, probably worrying her, and stressing her out about how I am doing, and then I can be sending and email titled "What a Wonderful World". Anyone like amusement parks? Because this mission is a roller coaster!
I'm not sure exactly what I last sent to everyone, but there has been a lot happening. The work is continuing to take off and our plate is more full than that of a missionary at Christmas dinner. For those of you who don't know, the event of Christmas brought on 6 full out Thanksgiving dinners for my companion and I. My trainer puked... Yupp. and he is on this email list.. So, hello, and sorry for telling everyone you puked...
Elder Deleray is officially on his way to Brazil! A week before transfers means that I will have a temporary companion for a week until transfers next week. This now puts me at having a new companion every transfer, five comps in one area, and a realization that people can only put up with so much of Elder Sandberg. There are going to be 35 new missionaries coming in this transfer and only 20 going home. Pretty sure this is the first time we are receiving more than we are losing. Hallelujah!
This week has brought some serious reflection and I see for myself how much I truly am changing. I am not the same person I was when I left. My desires, ambitions, thoughts, words, and deeds are changed. The same goofiness and craziness that I possesed when I left, is still around. Scaring people is still something I love to do. Sorry, mom. I still stink when I work out, and being a little sarcastic at times is apparent. Although there are little outward manifestations that are still the same, my nature at heart has been changed. It is all possible through the power of the Atonement. I challenge each of you to pray to your Heavenly Father about your weaknesses and short comings. Do a personal inventory and do what's required to improve. I promise as you do so, you will find greater joy and hidden treasures which cannot be found on earth.
I love you all!
Thank you for your prayers.
Elder Sandberg
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I know this is a little old but you might not have all seen it. This was from the 4th of July. |
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This is the Utah/Durango Zone conference. |
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Let the fire begin! - July 20, 2015
This week has been a crazy productive and amazing week.
First off, I just found out my companion got his visa to Brazil and will most likely get transferred within the next couple weeks or so. We will see. This will mean that I will have had four companions in one area if I stay. Kind of a rare occasion. Even more rare if he gets transferred after this one because that will mean the only person I have had longer than a single transfer is my trainer. Guess these elders can't put up with me more for longer than six weeks! :D
Miracle of the week that I wish to be particular highlight on is Latawnya and Richard. Truly they are the definition of being prepared by the hand of the Lord to receive the gospel. These two have been in Monticello for the past week or so. The reason they are here is because Richard did some time and got put in the Monticello jail. Being in jail was a humbling experience and found a great desire to grow a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. He's never been baptized into any church, but Latawnya ( his wife) was baptized at eight and because of this, they were both inclined to the LDS church.
When Richard got out just the other day, they were walking around town looking for a phone to make some calls to someone. They just happened to run into a family we have been working with, our golden less actives- the Hallidays, and they let Richard use their phone to make some calls. They ended up talking and found out that they both have had similar obstacles in life and ended up clicking together quite well. The thing that is so amazing about this is that we challenged the Halliday's to be more social and open with the people around them. Not sure why we felt inspired to do so, but we did.
The Halliday's offered a place to stay in one of their apartments until Latawnya and Richard could get back on their feet. One of the conditions with staying there is that they had to meet with their favorite missionaries, us! We met with them, had an amazing lesson, and Richard has agreed to be baptized! They truly have been humbled by the Lord and are prepared to receive the fullness of the Gospel. They both showed up to sacrament meeting on Sunday and with the little time that they had, Richard has already read the homework that we left him with the Book of Mormon.
There have been so many little things that cannot be contributed to a "mere coincidence". It is the Lord's hand guiding this work and it is incredible!
Something that is interesting about this mission is the fact that every investigator has to come four out of six Sundays before they are baptized, and the last two have to be in a row leading up to their baptism. This requirement has made it difficult for some people, but proves to be very beneficial with creating long term success and conversion. I hope and pray that Richard and Latawnya can continue to come and progress! Prayers are appreciated!
These two are only the beginning of the success that is starting to occur. This area is seriously starting to blow up as to those we are finding and the involvement of the wards and branches. A lot of the members are surprised to hear about how many people are actually receiving the word, and it is all attributed to having high expectations for the people and the area. It's amazing how far a little positive thinking can go.
Love you all!!
Pray for the cause and pray for the courage to take part in it.
Elder Sandberg