One of the fun things this week occurred while we were teaching this new person here in town.. We had a family of about 8 people, it was pretty crowded, and my comp and I had a spot near the door. We were going along teaching the lesson, and then we hear a knock at the door.. So, I volunteer to get up and answer it, and as I open the door I can clearly see that this individual is a door to door salesperson.. It's this shorter blonde lady who starts to talk and is clearly not from America..
She starts to give her pitch and says something along the lines of, "I am Sirje from Estonia on an exchange student program here in Holbrook. That's why I talk funny like dis.."
In a split second, I had flash backs to summer sales, as well as the rare few times of tracting on the mission. I joked around and told her that it was my house.. She looked at me funny and then I told her I was kidding, that I was a missionary, and that we were sharing a message... I opened the door all the way, started walking toward everyone else and told her, "come on it! We've got a great message for you..."
Boy! If you would have seen the look on her face when she sees all these people gathered around, and everyone is staring at her... I ask her to sit, play the restoration movie, and have a great lesson.. It was a good time!
It's rough to be leaving here, but I know it is for a reason.. Whatever that reason may be, I will find out soon enough!
Message for this week is to remember that Christ's suffering, not your own, is what changes you and redeems you from sin...
I love you all! Take care and do a good deed.. Report back when you have done one!
Elder Brayden James Sandberg
Whoops, I forgot!
I am going to Ship rock, NM!
My new mailing address is
PO Box 3013
Shiprock NM 87420
Someone sent me a big package of mustaches and eye patches. I finally found just the right time to use them! |
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