Someone else told this story, but it is now mine..
There we were, looking down into the world where we would gain our bodies. It was easy to see with everything that was happening in the world, that things would be tough. Despite the foreseen challenges and obstacles, we were excited to go down there to receive a body to learn and grow. On this specific day, a brother of mine was to go down. It was his time to receive his glorious gift of a body that could feel, touch, hear, smell, and all else.
Before he readies to depart, we talk about the life that we have accepted.. He tells me that he is going to be born into an area where the culture is very strong. He knew that he would have the opportunity to have the gospel in his life, but would struggle to stick with it.. He pauses, and looks at me, and with a deep sense of sincerity, asks me to come find him in the case that he doesn't stick with it.. He knows the family he has been given responsibility to care for when he grows older, and doesn't want them to be robbed of the privilege of making it to the temple. He once again makes me promise to find him, and his family. Once again, with tears in my eyes, I agree and promise to do so..
38 years later, these brothers unite and what was promised long ago, is fulfilled. At the time, it doesn't make sense. No such recollection of an agreement or promise is found, but for some reason, a spark is found upon reuniting.. Only to help one another return up above..
Oh how true this is in so many cases.. There is one in particular that this references to, but I believe with all my heart that there are many other people that such promises, and agreements were made. I'm so grateful to know and see the angels in my life that have kept their promises.. What a glorious knowledge it is to have this gospel.. I'm so grateful to know where we came from, why we are here, and where we are going...
I love you all!!
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517 West Hopi
Holbrook AZ, 86025
Elder Sandberg