Monday, August 24, 2015

I'm a sucker for punishment!

I apologize for being a complete slacker on doing a mass email to update on everything. The whole week there are tons of things happening and then when it comes down to sitting in front of this computer, I draw a complete BLANK! So, I am very sorry..

 Nonetheless, things are continuing to go GREAT. Since accepting the new calling, I have experienced so much growth. The Lord knows I love a challenge. Nothing worthwhile ever came easy in life.

  Luke 6:22-23 22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. 

 Elder Davis and I have had some fun experiences lately. With me being the individual that I am, and with this scripture in mind, I have some pretty twisted ways of getting the new Elders accustomed to the mission. 

 A couple transfers ago when Elder Anderson was here, he and I were looking for the location of our dinner appointment. We wrote down the wrong address and approached what we thought was the correct one. With a BOM in hand and with a stomach needing to be filled, we made our way to the house. Before even getting half way across the street, a woman comes out of the house we believe to be our dinner appointment, and very very upset she yells," no, no, no! Keep your religion to yourself!" Pointing at us and clearly very hostile toward the church, I simply reply, "I'm just looking for dinner!" Needless to say, she did not take kindly to us, and clearly didn't care my stomach was the reason for being at her house. 

 For some reason, this woman has stayed in my mind. Not sure what it is, but I feel a natural draw to her. Not sure if I'm a lunatic or what, but I would greatly appreciate if someone would slam a door in our face, curse at us, spit on us, something just to show that they were not okay with what we are doing. I THRIVE on those moments because it only builds my testimony and there is a promise when it does happen. Little do those people know they are just storing up blessings for us in heaven! So with thinking about this woman, I have taken Elder Deleray and DAvis to this location. 

THe first time, with Elder Deleray, I received the response I was hoping. She expressed that she was Catholic and had no interest in what we had to say. Elder Deleray told her he used to be CAtholic and she immediately responded, "maybe you should go back!" Absolutely great, I know. Elder Deleray was a little upset with me because at first I told him it was a solid referral from someone in the ward and he was all pumped to get a good contact. Nope.. So, now to my point! 

I took Elder Davis there on Friday and received not a response I was expecting. It was the same set up as it was for Elder Deleray, referral, they are super golden, etc. We walk up and there are two men sitting on the porch. The invite us to sit with them. Here I am waiting to receive the fire. Nothing. We sit and talk, ask if we want a water. We accept. Continue to talk and I am completely just baffled! The one who owns the house asks my companion what size shoe he wears. Then goes into the house and grabs these practically brand new brown leather dress shoes and tells my companion to put them on! He compliments my companion, and I forgot he's a little tipsy, and says to keep them! Obviously I was completely caught off guard. Was a little upset that first off, things are going so well, second, my companion just got what appeared to be a 200$ pair of shoes, and third, well, there really wasn't any real reason to be upset.. And then, she arrived. :D 

 Long story short, even though this is already long, she just let us have it! Told us, "to take our religion and shove it where the sun don't shine", yes! Then exclaimed she was "going to call the cops", keep it coming! And as we were leaving, she exclaimed one last time,"what part of go do you not understand?" 

 YESSSS! I love it so much! I definitely plan on going back. Not just to harass the woman, but because there has got to be a reason I feel so drawn to that. I don't know. Maybe you all think I am completely crazy, or maybe just confirmed it. What I do know though, is that what I am doing is ordained of God. I am doing HIs work and there is nothing that can stop Him, so why in the world would there be anything that can stop me? 

I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom, but behold, my joy is fully, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God. I know that I am nothing as to my strength, I am weak. Therefore I will not boast of myself, but I wll boast of my God, for in His strength I can do all things. Yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land for which we will praise His name forever!! 

Ammon's words are my words! I love you all so much and hope you have the courage to stand up for what you know to be true. Make a stand and astound the people around you for the standard in which you up hold. Take nothing from the adversary and give him a punch in his face by making a stand!

Elder Sandberg

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Things have been an absolute blast as of recently! Hands down Monticello is the greatest place on the planet. I feel so loved from all these people- members, nonmembers, less active, it doesn't matter. I would be completely fine with staying here the rest of the mission. There is nothing better than driving around town and just receiving love from everyone you see. Most of the people here know who Elder Sandberg is and the legacy that I am leaving behind. My mindset with being out here is to work my tail off while at the same time have a blast with the people I serve. It's amazing to be out here!

Do you know the two things that missionaries absolutely love while being in the field? Baptisms and MAIL! 

The prayers are so greatly appreciated. Especially as of late. Things have been crazy and all over the place. A lot of growth and improvement is evident. That's to be expected though right?

 I've been lifting quite a bit and I drink protein after every workout. The most I have weighed since being out here is 175. That is 30 lbs heavier than when I started!!! Holy cow! 
Monticello, Bluff, and White Mesa missionaries enjoying a view from the very top of the Blue Mountains today during P-day!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Here's the Scoop...

There was no letter from Elder Sandberg this week, but we have the inside scoop that he:

    1. Will Be staying in Monticello, UT (this week was transfers) so his address remains the same!  Write to him, send him cookies, etc.  at the following address:   P.O. Box 2, Monticello, UT 84535  Or email him at :
    2. Has been made a District Leader.  This will come with a lot of new responsibilities, as he will be in charge of reporting for and receiving reports from the Sisters and Elders in his district.  Here is what he had to say about that:  Yeah! I guess it will be a fun experience. We will see. I've been told that training is a sacred trust and I am doing my absolute best to step up to that role! I am now averaging one companion every transfer! It's ridiculous. Usually, a trainee stays with their trainer for 12 weeks, 2 transfers, but we will see!
    3. Could really use some letters and support!  Being a missionary is hard work.  It's been 9 months now since Elder Sandberg entered the MTC.  Keep up the love, family and friends!  You can always find his mailing address and email here on his blog.  I will let you know any news I receive!  But as he said on Monday: every P day is completely jam packed with all kinds of different things. 

    Monday, August 3, 2015

    What a Wonderful World!

    Hello fellow brothers and sisters,

    It's quite amusing how I can be sending an email to my mom last week, probably worrying her, and stressing her out about how I am doing, and then I can be sending and email titled "What a Wonderful World". Anyone like amusement parks? Because this mission is a roller coaster!

    I'm not sure exactly what I last sent to everyone, but there has been a lot happening. The work is continuing to take off and our plate is more full than that of a missionary at Christmas dinner. For those of you who don't know, the event of Christmas brought on 6 full out Thanksgiving dinners for my companion and I. My trainer puked... Yupp. and he is on this email list.. So, hello, and sorry for telling everyone you puked...

    Elder Deleray is officially on his way to Brazil! A week before transfers means that I will have a temporary companion for a week until transfers next week. This now puts me at having a new companion every transfer, five comps in one area, and a realization that people can only put up with so much of Elder Sandberg. There are going to be 35 new missionaries coming in this transfer and only 20 going home. Pretty sure this is the first time we are receiving more than we are losing. Hallelujah!

    This week has brought some serious reflection and I see for myself how much I truly am changing. I am not the same person I was when I left. My desires, ambitions, thoughts, words, and deeds are changed. The same goofiness and craziness that I possesed when I left, is still around. Scaring people is still something I love to do. Sorry, mom. I still stink when I work out, and being a little sarcastic at times is apparent. Although there are little outward manifestations that are still the same, my nature at heart has been changed. It is all possible through the power of the Atonement. I challenge each of you to pray to your Heavenly Father about your weaknesses and short comings. Do a personal inventory and do what's required to improve. I promise as you do so, you will find greater joy and hidden treasures which cannot be found on earth. 

    I love you all!

    Thank you for your prayers.

    Elder Sandberg
    I know this is a little old but you might not have all seen it.  This was from the 4th of July.

    This is the Utah/Durango Zone conference.