Monday, April 20, 2015

Hello, Monticello!

Hope you're all ready for some open brutal honesty from a missionary that you all know here in the Monticello, Utah area.

Right now, I am about 5 hours away from my family, home, girlfriend, friends, and the valley that I grew up knowing. There is a sign that I pass every other day that says "Salt Lake City   293 miles". Almost everyday there is a good chance that I have a common acquaintance with someone back home. I've actually already met one, and I'm sure I will meet another whom I have grown up around as a child.

Almost every person who is preparing to serve the Lord secretly hopes to go to some unique place as their residence for the next one and a half to two years. For some strange odd reason, there has been an idea of our "value" as an individual contributing to where it is we are going. I know this because I myself have fallen subject to such a mindset of thinking. When I first opened my call( and I mean the actual first time. When I steamed it open and read it by myself) I was severely shocked and a little disappointed. I literally asked myself out loud several times, "what in the world is in New Mexico?" After opening my call and trying to wrap my head around the reality of the destination of my service, I was dismayed with knowing that I would not be in some foreign, exotic, impoverish, deprived, and unique place. I found myself thinking that I did something wrong to get sent here. 

Now, after 3 months of waiting for my departure, and 5 months of serving in the field, I have been able to gain a fresh perspective that will shape the rest of my life. Asking myself, "what in the world is in New Mexico?", has brought a very very different image. So, when I ask myself this question, I now start to think of the reservation. I start to think of all the dogs that would try to bite and eat us around every corner. I think of the fry bread and the tortillas that would be served at nearly every meal. I think of the Native American Church and some of it's beliefs. I think of the "traditions of our fathers" and how it has a completely different meaning. I think of the plateaus and half finished mountains. I think of the bumpy roads. I think about the people. About how much I love them and have come to care about them. How I have come to appreciate the individuals and culture that they hold. To have them care about me and give me a promise that I am always welcome into their home. I think about the little miracles that occurred right before our eyes almost every single day. 

And yet, even four and a half months into my mission, I still have the negative and poisonous mindset about where I am called to serve when I get transferred to Monticello, Utah. The negativity and poor attitude sinks in and the adversary slithers his way into my thoughts. Frustration and discontent at every corner. Everyone knows where my hometown is. Most of them have driven past the valley I have grown up in my whole life. Some of them know my family members. The wards here remind me of mine own and the people are just as welcoming. Can anybody say "culture shock"? Completely caught off guard by this change of scenery, I am taken away into a series of negative emotions and feelings. 

How's the brutal honesty for you? Hopefully I have been able to paint an image of the imperfect individual that I am and the character and attitude that I have chosen to embrace. If this image is sufficiently created in your minds, I will continue to be brutally honest.

Jesus Christ lives. He is the Son of the living God and He lives. He has taken upon himself all of our infirmities, pains, sicknesses, sins, and weaknesses so that we too can triumph. He suffered and died, and was resurrected so that we too may be redeemed from our sufferings. Only in and through the grace and guidance of our Heavenly Father am I able to say that my heart is no longer heavy. This area that I am in is absolutely beautiful. The mountains, the trees, the deer all over the place, the houses, the roads, and the people. Everything around me is an absolute wonder and is just waiting to feel the Lord's love shine down upon it. 

Every single day, I am getting fed a delicious and filling dinner. Sometimes we get fed multiple times a day. If there was any chance for me to gain weight, this is it. In every house we encounter there are people who have received and continue to receive the Gospel into their lives. Male, female, old, young, brown, white, and everything in between. What a glorious and grand occasion it is to see so many people being blessed by the Gospel.  What adds to this excitement is the people around who don't have it! There are people everywhere who need what we have. We who already have it, need more of it. Despite the fact that Utah is known for being the Mormon state, there are still people who need to hear the good word of the Lord. Wither you are on this side of the world or the next, our Heavenly Father values every single son and daughter of His. His view and His love is unconditional as to those who stand in need. Through diligent efforts, I too can see and feel this for myself. 

The biggest thing that I am taking away from being here, is the fact that when I get home, I am going to have just as much of a responsibility to teach the Gospel as I do now. Doesn't matter if I am in a branch of 30 people or a ward of 400 people. There is a work to be done and every single one of us has a job to do, and I now know mine. 

Sorry this has been so long, but I hope each of you can see a couple things. First, the Lord can change the hardest of hearts and minds if we look to him. Second, our responsibility for those of us who are members, have a charge and duty to continue to find, teach, and invite. Lastly, I absolutely love my mission. I love the people I have come into contact with. I love the challenges and struggles, and most of all, I absolutely love that I have been given such a great cause to go forth and work, even the cause of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Love you all!

Elder Brayden James Sandberg

P.O. Box 2
Monticello, Utah 84535

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Goodbye Crownpoint, Hello Monticello!

Well! This week has hit me like a freight train. Typing this sentence has literally taken me several tries because I have no idea where to start. 

I love these people. Truly I have never gained such a gift in my life such as this. It is the gift of charity, and it has made this experience here in Crownpoint the most rewarding experience in my life thus far. It has also made this news one of the most heartbreaking things to deal with. The thing that makes it so hard is the fact that my entire existence for the next two years is dedicated to helping these people receive the one thing that will do more good for them than anything in existence. It brings a whole new level of concern and love for their well being. I am beyond grateful and honored to have known the people here that I have. These words on this page could never truly do the justice of giving them what they deserve. 

These people that I have come to love, some of them are not yet to the point of the pathway to discipleship. Some of them need a little bit more time and effort and I know without a doubt that they will become faithful Latter Day Saints. The hardest thing is knowing that I am leaving them and moving forward. Despite my absence and my efforts that I could put forth, I know it is in the Lord's hands and always has been. It is just hard to know that I won't get to see some of them take those big steps in the Gospel.

The mission and conference mixed together have manifested a testimony within me that has grown to become very sacred and meaningful. It is the knowledge of the divine roles of mothers and fathers, and the significant and absolute importance of family units. My goal and aim with being out here has been to prepare myself for such a role. For those of you who truly know me, know that I am a forward thinker when it comes to things I will be doing in the future. This new mindset and testimony is not me getting ahead of myself, it is me realizing the magnitude of such a calling. A calling that one is never released from. A calling that will impact more lives that I could ever comprehend. A calling that I have never truly seen firsthand in my life. 

The one role that I have been able to see take shape and place in my life is the divine role of a mother. All that my mom has done and continues to do is the one key contributor to who I am as a man. Despite everything we have been through as a family, it has been her moral force as a woman that has kept us all together. My mom in my eyes has grown to be something far greater than I've ever seen before. It makes me really regret and feel bad for all the trouble I have given her through out the years. She is my hero. I would not be who I am without her and I would not be becoming the father and husband I am to be without her. Her impact on my life will continue throughout all the generations. 

Branched from my mom, has also been her sisters, brothers, and all else I have come in contact with. There are so many that I am indebted to for the example that has been shown to me. 

This journey will be one that I treasure forever and hopefully I might be able to take all I can from it.

Thank you all for your support!!

If I don't respond to some of you, it is because today is going to be a crazy day of goodbyes, packing, eating, and everything in between. 

Love Always!

Elder Brayden James Sandberg